Corballa National School is a co-educational primary school in the Parish of Castleconnor in West Sligo and is under the patronage of the Catholic Bishop of Killala.

Our school crest shows Corrbhaile which translates as “the round village”. The tree in the centre represents learning and growth while the waves reference our coastal location.

Core Values:

  • Corballa NS strives to offer every child a safe, happy and productive childhood at school as they develop their full and unique potential as human beings.
  • Our school seeks to nurture in children positive relationships with God and with other people based on the Gospel values of love, honesty, forgiveness and kindness especially towards those with greater need.
  • Our school expresses these values through respectful relationships between children, parents, staff, management and guests in the school.

In February 2018 we held the official opening of our new infant education classroom. It was a day for the whole school to be proud!