Tá fáilte romhat chuig suíomh idirlín Scoil Náisiúnta Corrbhaile

April 2021

Fáilte romhaibh ar ais ar scoil!

It is great to have everyone back at school after the Easter break and we are looking forward to our Summer Term in Corballa National School. We hope that our enhanced hygiene and safety procedures will continue to keep everyone safe during our final term f0r 2020/2021.

Jan 2021

Once again, we send a big WELCOME to all our pupils, families and friends of Corballa National School.
As our school remains closed until March 2021, we will share some of our homeschool adventures here until our return.

Thank you for all your great work from home – pupils, parents and teachers. To our pupils, your teachers are missing our regular classroom interactions, fun and banter but it has been great to catch up with you all online through Seesaw, Google Classroom and Zoom and see all the great work you have been doing.

You are all doing a brilliant job! Well done and keep it up.

See some of your great pictures below!

Updated 16/2/21

Some lovely artwork from one of our Junior Infants – well done Nathan – and lockdown has some of us climbing the walls😂!! The girls deserve a treat after all that exercise!

Tuesday 16th February was Pancake Tuesday and we were all very busy making pancakes, savoury and sweet, with funny faces – a delicious lockdown treat! And well done to our kitchen pro who nailed the pancake flip – check out the kitchen wizardry!

Some of us took a partial snow day on Friday 12th to make the most of the wintry weather!

Updated 9/2/21

Some of our learning is indoors ! Some outdoors ! We hope everyone is getting some exercise and fresh air every day. We have been very creative in our homeschools and sometimes we just like to chill out with our pets after a busy day! Well done everyone!


A happy New Year to all! Unfortunately, as per our last email to parents/guardians:

Minister for Education Norma Foley T.D. has announced that our Christmas Break will be extended by three days, and so we will now be reopening on Monday, January 11th. This is to allow every member of the school community to follow public health advice closely and minimise contacts before children return to school. Minister Foley says ‘It is essential that everyone continues to follow the public health advice, that over the next ten days families limit their contacts before the return to school.’  The minister’s full press release can be read at:


It is unclear at the time of posting if this re-opening date is realistic given the alarming rise in numbers but we will keep you informed of any further updates as we receive them.


Welcome back to all of our students and families to Corballa National School. It is fantastic to have smiling, happy children back in our classrooms again.

Thank you teachers, students and parents for helping us adhere to the new protocols and procedures as we strive to keep everyone safe, happy and healthy during our new school term.


We are busy preparing to welcome back our students to school for the 2020 – 2021 academic year, we have missed you all and cannot wait to see you on Monday 31st August.

Some new procedures have been put in place for your health and safety, requiring new rules and routines. Your teachers will go through these with you on Monday and over the next few weeks. Good handwashing and sanitizing will be important for every student, as will coughing or sneezing into your elbow or a tissue, and safely disposing of tissues.

Physical distancing procedures have been put in place with pupils organised into pods (smaller groups) within classroom bubbles and staggered breaktimes to give additional outside space.

There will be plenty of opportunity to revisit areas that were taught remotely during our last school term but first we will ensure that everyone is settled in and feels safe and happy to be back at school after such a long break. Or they might be starting with us for the first time – we’re talking about you: our 16 new junior infants! Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday 31st August.

Welcome to Corballa National School!

About our School:

Corballa National School is located in the parish of Castleconnor, Co. Sligo, a rural area between the banks of Moy and the town of Enniscrone. We are a co-educational school under the patronage of the Bishop of Killala, John Fleming. At present we have 111 children attending in 4 mainstream classrooms.

The Corballa Boys hurling team retained the County hurling title in 2019/20 prior to the national lockdown, and were runners up in the Girls Indoor Hurling competition in March 2020.

Due to the cancellation of all Cuman na mBunscol competitions in March 2020, Corballa NS remained the County Sligo champions in both Girls Gaelic Football (5/6/7 teacher category) and Camogie from 2018/19, the boys team narrowly missing out in the Gaelic Football final 2018/19 having held the title for the previous two years. 

Cuman na mBunscol Winners 2019

We are very proud of our players and their sporting achievements. Well done to all!