The sun was shining on November 10th and the rain held off for our field trip with Heritage in Schools archaeologist Bernie Doherty. Bernie was a fountain of information about all aspects of our heritage – cultural and intangible, natural, archaelogical and architectural.

We were introduced to archaeology (or seandalaíocht if you prefer!) and had a lovely walk to Balliecottle Castle, taking in the historical sights along the way, from GAA pitches, lines in fields, high stone walls, mill houses, bee boles and limekilns to the parts of the castle itself – bastions, machicolations, batter wall, garderobes, corbels, quoins and many more! Before heading for home, we had a quick visit to view Castletown Manor in closer detail where we were able to compare the magnificent windows to those of the older neighbouring buildings.

All in all, it was a thoroughly enjoyable, informative and exhausting day. Thanks to Ann Langan for her permission to explore the castle, Dr Liam O’Síorain for his permission to view Castletown Manor (and thanks to Niall Draper from Sherry Fitzgerald Draper for his assistance with this!) and a big thank you to Bernie for bringing the sun and sharing her wealth of knowledge with us. We hope she will be back to tell us more soon!

Here is a sneak peek into Castletown Manor and some of it’s history!